hi DAN. Sorry for this big mistake with the much Dans, Dans, Dan…. I mostly work all days with answering so much reports. I hope it is all OK with the TAB QSL. By further problems with QSL cards – please contact me again Dan…… Greetings….
Gepostet in Allgemein | Kommentare deaktiviert für Reception Report for your transmission on 9 June 2019 from „Dan Dan“
Hello Daniel, thanks also for this report (no.2) to Werners Schlagerwelt. I hope the new QSL is also „right“ for you?! Greets……….. PS: All QSL’s that I send out, I save on my PC. Soit is always a new QSL for a listener!!
Gepostet in Allgemein | Kommentare deaktiviert für Report to Wernersschlagerwelt