Archiv für Mai, 2016


Dienstag, Mai 31st, 2016

Many thanks Claudio!

Transatlantic Broadcast-1

Jodelpiraat QSL for Per in Sweden

Montag, Mai 30th, 2016

Hello Per, here now your QSL card from Radio Jodelpiraat, Thanks again for your detailed Report and also the audioclip!! Greetings from the Station Jodelpiraat


e-QSL Enterprise Radio

Sonntag, Mai 29th, 2016
Pirate Enterprise Radio  6955 kHz , received e-QSL in 4 hours for email report sent tp (JGa)
Jouke van der Galien qsl Enterprise 08

Good signal on 6385 kHz in Sweden

Samstag, Mai 28th, 2016

Dear radio friend, My name is Per Eriksson and I have, according to many of my friends, a strange hobby. I enjoy listening to short- and mediumwave radio stations from all over the world.

All they hear from the loudspeakers is the noise, but to me radio over the borders open new horizons. I know that a lot of other stations stream their programs on the Internet, but that is certainly not the same as catching the signal on air.

Sincerely yours, Per Eriksson Sweden

Thanks Per!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Transatlantic Broadcast-3

Marconi eQSL

Freitag, Mai 27th, 2016

Nur QSL No. 3 aber immerhin erster Empfang mit eigenem RX 😉 73s Klaus

MRI eQSL nr 3 to Klaus Fuchs

N.O.T. Radio QSL für Klaus Fuchs

Donnerstag, Mai 26th, 2016

Kurz & bündig kam diese QSL von Klaus: 73s Klaus – Danke Klaus

NOT-Radio eQSL

QSL: Dr.Tim visited Ötzi in Bozen/Southtirol

Mittwoch, Mai 25th, 2016

Vielen Dank Helfried…………

Dr.Tim-QSL - Ötzi

Gino said: For Anny!

Dienstag, Mai 24th, 2016

Thanks Gino for report and excellent audioclip!!!

QSL Radio BZN-2

2 QSLS Radio IJSBEER 106,4 FM

Montag, Mai 23rd, 2016
Pirates Radio IJsbeer 106,40 MHz, he returned my 2 selfprepared QSLs for 2 different receptions after about 68 days for email report sent to (JGa)


Sonntag, Mai 22nd, 2016
lokale omroep Nederland gehoord via livestream in Assen:

Radio Voorst (lokaal in voorst op 105,3 mhz ook te horen) ze stuurden de zelfgefabriceerde photo-QSL(=Lambertuskerk Etten-Leur NL) terug en ook stickers. dat alles in 25 dagen van adres: Koppelstraat 2, 7391 AK  TWELLO  NL (JGa) 
Afbeelding (335)
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Afbeelding (337)