Archiv für Januar, 2017

Special QSL for You!

Dienstag, Januar 31st, 2017

Greetings from North of Italy! We write Tomorrow… most reception report all over the world!!!!!!!!!


QSL Dr.Tim

Winter in Appennini mountains

Cold in TX site..

Report from Denmark

Montag, Januar 30th, 2017

To: Radio Lesbos


Dear Sir,

I wish to report reception of your broadcast on the

Date                  Time UTC           Frequency           SINPO

19.november       1355-1422        6300.82kHz        23342


Radio Lesbos-2


Sonntag, Januar 29th, 2017

Thank you very much for nice eQSL!!!

73 Claudio

QSL 1 Thank you

Reception Report for Crazy Radio Berlin on 6290 kHz

Samstag, Januar 28th, 2017

Thanks David for your Report to CRB. Here your QSL and we hope you like it! You are the first Listener which received a QSL from Crazy Radio Berlin!! Congratulations!!!

Crazy Radio Berlin

Special Broadcast heard on 3935 kHz……………..

Freitag, Januar 27th, 2017

Station Operator at Halloween Radio.

I was alerted to this special Broadcast of Halloween radio and it’s host Dr. Blood, via the news item form Radio Doctor Tim.

Your broadcast was heard on the Date of November the 1^st , from 1934 to 1955 hours UTC, on the short wave frequency of 3935 kHz, 76:23 meters.

Looking forward to your reply, I remain, sincerely yours.
Edward Kusalik, P.O. Box 253, Daysland, Alberta, T0B 1A0 CANADA, A long support of FFFR. A great thanks to Canada and I hope you like the QSL from Dr.Blood……

Halloween Radio 4

Radio Blacklake e qls

Donnerstag, Januar 26th, 2017

73s Klaus

radio blacklake e qls klaus

„Happy birthday KCR new transmission (Without error) :(

Mittwoch, Januar 25th, 2017

Cari Amici, come molti di voi sapranno, questo mese festeggiamo il primo anno di trasmissioni.

Per la verità, il nostro programma di gennaio 2016 è stato ascoltato da pochi agguerriti Dxer, il Massi, infatti, dopo un volo dal tetto, non è riuscito ad istallare l’antenna a dovere e noi ragazze abbiamo dovuto attaccarla alla grondaia con pessimi risultati. “Happy Birthday KCR” è il nome del programma che andrà in onda sabato 28 Gennaio 2017 con la collaborazione di Radio Dr. Tim dalla Germania. Radio Dr.Tim è un istituzione nel mondo delle Free e siamo davvero felici e onorati di questa bella novità. Nei prossimi mesi potrete ascoltarci anche dalla loro Stazione!!

Per il nostro compleanno abbiamo coniato una QSL Speciale che come sempre sarà inviata a tutti gli amici che ci scriveranno.

Vi aspettiamo numerosi !

Jasmine and “The KCR Team”


Dear Friends, how many of you know, this month we celebrate the first year of broadcasting.In truth, our January 2016 program was heard by few big DXers, the Massi, in fact, after a flight from the roof, failed to properly install the antenna and us girls we had to stick it to the gutter with bad results .

„Happy Birthday KCR“ is the name of the program that will air Saturday, January 28, 2017 with the collaboration of Radio Dr. Tim from Germany. Radio Dr.Tim is an institution in the world of Free and we are very happy and honored to be this good news. In the coming months you can also listen to their station !!

For our birthday we have coined a special QSL which as always will be sent to all the friends who will write. We hope many of you will come!

Jasmine and „The Team KCR“

Promo January 17

Anton Belgium eQSL

Dienstag, Januar 24th, 2017

Zur Info…, Grüße Klaus

Anton Belgium eQSL

photo QSL Benelux 6260kHz

Montag, Januar 23rd, 2017
Unofficial / Free Radio – Radio Benelux, received photo QSL in about a month for postal report sent to: Benelux Radio, SRS Germany, Postfach 101145 , D-99801 EISENACH, DEUTSCHLAND (JGa)

Radio Benelux

Empfangsberichte an RADIO DR. TIM – July 2016

Sonntag, Januar 22nd, 2017

Thanks for your observation…………..

Dr.Tim-QSL - Radio Girls

Dr.Tim-QSL - sexy greetings