Archiv für August, 2016
Dienstag, August 30th, 2016Reception Report to Radio Dr. Tim – October 2015
Montag, August 29th, 2016Radio report from Italy to Polkawelle
Sonntag, August 28th, 2016Samstag, August 27th, 2016
Germany Annoeska Surfradio, this dutch language station is relayed via 6070kHz Rohrbach Germany =CHANNEL 292 , received e-QSL in 11 hours for email report sent to (JGa)
carte-QSL Mirabelle
Freitag, August 26th, 2016Pirate Radio Mirabelle 6290 kHz, received e-QSL in 1 day for email report sent to (JGa)
swl report from Italy
Donnerstag, August 25th, 2016Thanks to Fritz-Walter for RR to TAB
Mittwoch, August 24th, 2016Hi TAB, here is a Link to a Videorecording from your Transmission from 07.09.2015 63825 kcs 17.22 UTC: and in the attatchment is my reception Report. Best regards from Saxony-Anhalt Fritz-Walter.
Thanks Fritz
e-QSL Radio Face de Blatte
Dienstag, August 23rd, 2016Pirate Radio Face de Blatte, 6205 kHz, received e-QSL in 1 week for email report sent to (JGa)
QSL Arcadia
Montag, August 22nd, 2016Unofficial/ Free Radio: Radio Arcadia, 7300 kHz, received e-QSL in 1 day for email report sent to (JGa)