Archiv für Juli, 2014
Freeline QSL for Galien Jouke
Mittwoch, Juli 30th, 2014QSL from Radio 102
Dienstag, Juli 29th, 2014QSL GM41 for Fritz-Walter
Montag, Juli 28th, 2014Jamaica QSL for me
Sonntag, Juli 27th, 2014RNW new Name Confirmation
Samstag, Juli 26th, 2014Blauwe Panter QSL for Jouke
Freitag, Juli 25th, 2014QSL confirmation of Hitmix Radio
Donnerstag, Juli 24th, 2014QSL from Little Feat
Mittwoch, Juli 23rd, 2014Hi Dr Tim,
Good evening from England, Thank you for your reception report. I am not surprised the signal was weak in Germany. The power was only 15w and the band does not work too well in the morning. Also my antenna is indoors. So all in all I am very pleased for only my 2nd test!
I did start at around 0805 UTC and it was instrumental music, so I am happy to confirm your report. Attached QSL card as requested. Many 73 and good DX
Greetings from Little Feat Terry
My portable listening post in Namibia
Dienstag, Juli 22nd, 2014Artemwas in Southafrica with this little receiver! He received a lot of Stations in Namibia (Pirates ?). Thanks for the Foto from your „working technique“ Artem!
Мое переносное слушательское оборудование… к югу от Виндхука Souricate Lodge (Namibia) Судя по частоте на приемнике, слушаю ботсванский передатчик африканской редакции „Голоса Америки“.
My portable listening equipment in Suricate Lodge south off Windhoek (Namibia). The frequency shows VOA from Botswana