New SW transmitter 48 mtr band

Tiny Transmitter for 52 , 48 , 41 or 39 mtr band

Made by Radio Morningstar

This is our new transmitter design
A very small low power amplitude modulated shortwave transmitter for that real Low Power work it’s only 7 x 10 cm , got a AM modulator and a 5 pole low pass antenna filter on board
Output up to 2 watt
The VFO is adjustable from 5700 up to 7400 Kc , also useable with a Crystal for single frequency operation
At 6 Mc the 12 Mc component is more than 28 dB down , The 18 dB component more than 45 db down , no sign of a 24 mc component on our Spectr analyzer
The modulator will accept standard Line output Audio from a Mixer or MP3 player
This board will cost only 75 Euro + 6 euro shipping in holland , outside holland depending on destination.
We already broke that 500 Km barrier with only 400 mWatt so with this transmitter you can be heard all over Europe .

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